Wow 2020 - I didn’t see you coming!
Nothing could have prepared our Los Cabos community for 2020. And for once, it wasn’t because of a nightmare of a hurricane season, which our Cancun friends, unfortunately, had to fare.
2020 - The Year of Weird
In fact, 2020 was gearing up to be a big year for tourism in general. Until March that is, when everything ground to a screeching halt.
Shops shut.
Beaches emptied.
Highways deserted.
It was all so incredibly weird.
How We Handled Lockdown
Our kids interpreted lockdown as one big extended holiday, while parents around the world struggled to balance the demands of work (or lack thereof) and child-minding at home.
The upside of living in Los Cabos is the weather and we, as a family, most certainly took advantage of all the extra downtime from the comfort of our little back yard.
Baja Baby Gear stopped all operations. Nobody was traveling internationally with babies (and rightly so, I might add). So for the first time in almost 10 years, my staff got to take a very long, yet fully-paid staycation.
I’m grateful that everyone in our Baja Baby Gear family has remained in great health and we were all able to stay home and care for our families throughout 2020.
Los Cabos Safety Measures During COVID-19
And while business is by no means back to normal, I’m so happy to report that the business community of Los Cabos is doing its utmost to promote and maintain a superior level of vigilance for travelers. Face masks are currently mandatory statewide whenever we are in public areas, grocery stores and restaurants.
When frequenting our favorite local eateries, there’s always a sanitizing station at each business entrance. Patrons walk through a foot sanitization area, followed by a temperature check along with mandatory anti-bacterial hand gel protocols.
Shopping & Beaches During COVID-19
Grocery stores follow the same procedures. Until last month, children were not allowed inside grocery stores at all, though more recently that’s been adjusted. Now it’s preferred that children do not enter grocery stores, but they are permitted to enter providing they wear face masks and follow the other safety protocols.
And of course, families and tourists can go to the Los Cabos beaches feeling completely normal. Mandatory social distancing in public places like beaches means that you can truly relax and let loose in the comfort of your sun lounger.

Los Cabos Resorts
Over the past few months, the farthest we have ventured is the occasional day trip to a local resort or beach club. I've been so impressed with how seriously the resorts in Los Cabos have taken safety and hygiene.
The photo shared above was taken at the stunning Solaz Resort a little over a month ago. Clearly, there was a strict adherence to the number of in-house guests in residence. The place was spotless and we felt incredibly safe.
Baja Baby Gear Safety Protocols
As far as Baja Baby Gear is concerned, protocols are rigorous. For staff handling equipment and deliveries, full face mask usage and hand sanitization protocols are mandatory.
Our delivery vehicle is sterilized daily and we’ve increased our storage hygiene procedures to ensure that each item of equipment is double sanitized and stored in such a way that it cannot be contaminated while not in use.
Thinking of Traveling To Cabo?
While it seems that everything is still very much up in the air with regard to international traveling, I thought a 2021 update on the Los Cabos lay-of-the-land would be prudent.
Don’t forget that you can stay up-to-date with case numbers and state statistics on our BCS government website.
If you’re thinking about traveling to Los Cabos in 2021 and you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at And BTW, for as long as this pandemic continues, Baja Baby Gear will honor a full-refund on any cancelation requests.
From the entire Baja Baby Gear team, we wish you a year full of health and happiness.
I hope to see you all in Los Cabos soon.
With love,