I have been very fortunate since I opened my company to have worked with some of the most incredible individuals. When I think back to the early days in 2011 of doing everything myself until today with our Cabo manager Aranza working tirelessly to co-ordinate orders, our inventory manager Johnny delivering anything that people need to anywhere they need it, and my new partners Ian & Rosie who are doing all of the above in Riviera Maya - we are just so blessed to have this wonderful service and wonderful people who are committed to serving.
Over the years, there have been several hard-working, passionate individuals who have helped Baja Baby Gear grow to the size that it is. Some have now moved on to open their own amazing businesses or endeavors but sadly (even shockingly) two have passed away. Sometimes I think that it’s too much of a coincidence that we lost both Ron Nelson and Samantha Bowen within a year of each other to cancer.
When someone dies that is just too young to pass away, or so suddenly like in the case of both Ron & Samantha we struggle to accept their passing, and then we sometimes fail to honor their passing because it was so sad that we don't want to revisit the pain of loss. Both of these dear friends and colleagues of mine loved life, loved hard work and loved people. After spending some time over the weekend with Ron’s widow Pepita, I reflected on how important it is for Baja Baby Gear to find a way to give back to our beautiful world as much as we can and to honor all the people who have played a part in our company’s success.
Baja Baby Gear Gives Back
Over the years, Baja Baby Gear has given back to our local communities by sporadic donations, or sponsorships. However, I am happy to tell our customers that I have found a way to permanently give back. Baja Baby Gear recently became involved with a company called B1G1. The level of enthusiasm that this company has with regard to business and giving is just infectious. Every time I connect with a member of their team I get goosebumps and I just want to help in any way that I can. So from here on, every time you place an order with us we automatically take a portion of the proceeds of your rental and we will directly donate it to a cause that we are passionate about. You can read about our efforts directly on our www.b1g1.com business page.

Here's some information about B1G1, taken directly from their website:
What’s B1G1? B1G1 is a giving initiative that allows businesses and individuals to give easily to high-impact projects that are run by carefully vetted charity organizations (Worthy Causes) we partner with. We aspire to create a world full of giving by making it easy and meaningful for you to give.
What makes B1G1 different from other giving initiatives? At B1G1, we always focus on the impact your giving has on people’s lives. Unlike ‘normal’ giving programs that take out a portion of your donation for administration fees, fully 100% of your giving is passed on to the nominated projects when you give through B1G1. This is made possible by the unique business membership model that funds the development of this initiative. Masami Sato founded B1G1 with a simple plan… to give a portion of every sale to someone in need. It’s a pretty simple concept and yet if enough of us do it - we will truly make a difference.
To kick things off with B1G1, Baja Baby Gear just gave 101 days of medical support to newborn babies. We plan on selecting various giving projects that are family and children focused. Check it out beneath!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single person who has helped Baja Baby Gear become the company that it is today. I am grateful to each of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your dedication, your support, your knowledge and professionalism.
I am dedicating our permanent giving with B1G1 to Ron & Samantha, whose hearts and humor were larger than life.

Would you like to browse our extensive rental inventory? From full-size cribs to custom toy boxes, Baja Baby Gear has everything your baby needs! Click here to start shopping!
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